Not a time for false modesty

When Ernest Kiruja unveiled ‘Eurobuild Poland’ magazine to the world for the first time at the Cannes fair in 1998, I was a journalism student sitting in a lecture hall.

The only thing I associated real estate with was the apartment I had then moved into after flying the family nest. Then came the time for the next stage of my education and working in the editorial departments of various newspapers – until January 2005, when the former
editor-in-chief, Magda Konstantynowicz, offered me a job on the ‘Eurobuild’ editorial team. As I soon realised, the real estate market was ‘slightly’ broader than just the residential business. My first issue of ‘Eurobuild’ was no. 81. Today we have published 200 of them! I know it is a cliché, but it has to be said that time really does fly. The market has changed, and we have changed. The magazine itself has expanded, received a new graphic layout and has also extended its reach across Central and Eastern Europe. And the people who create the magazine have changed too. Not just in terms of more wrinkles and pounds, but several of us have since embarked on different careers. However,
the one thing that hasn’t changed is Ernest, the rock on which the success of the whole operation has been built. This is not a time for false modesty, because the simple truth is that we are proud of ourselves. Even more so, having read what the key people in the business have to say about us. The careers of many of them have been inseparably intertwined with the magazine down the years. It was us who first wrote that they were entering the real estate market and they gave their first interviews here, such as Robert Dobrzycki, who ten years ago exclusively revealed to us the founding of a new company: Panattoni Europe. He returns in this issue to summarise the decade that has since passed (‘Enter the Dragon 2.0’). We would like to thank all our readers and business partners for being with us for 200 issues and all the people who have helped to create the magazine over the last dozen or so years!
