Polish shopping centres ready for antiterrorism act

We have been monitoring the progress in the government’s work regarding the antiterrorism act. As soon as it enters into force we will be organizing training sessions for managers and updating security procedures in the facilities we manage. We know already that the provisions of the act will include shopping centres because the act extends the catalogue of the places which are in danger of potential terrorist attacks. So far it only included strategic buildings, now the list will also include religious cult sites, shopping centres, sport and entertainment facilities, conference halls, hotels and other meeting places.

Proven security policies related to the potential threat of terrorist attacks have been functioning in shopping centres for many years. As the awareness and knowledge of terrorism have been increasing, the procedures regarding the issue are getting increasingly detailed. In the facilities which we manage there are particular procedures of conduct and instructions which are to be applied in the case of accidents involving firearms or other dangerous tools, a hostage situation, unattended luggage, a threat of bomb attack involving cars filled with explosives and even the methods of communicating with a person reporting a bomb was been planted.

We have also been cooperating with rescue teams in this respect as well as local police forces, which patrol larger shopping centres every day. Fortunately the situation and threat in Poland does not require the introduction of additional security measures in shopping centres such as: checking customers’ bags or installing gates and scanners at the entrances.

However, each mass event organized in a shopping centre or in its vicinity, could potentially increase the potential terrorist attack risk. That is why it is necessary to be well prepared and increase the security measures. At least once a year we provide tenants and employees which regularly work on the facility with appropriate instructions. Furthermore, we are planning to carry out a marketing campaign which will make our customers aware of potential terrorist threats and educate them about appropriate reactions in case of such danger.
